After a ton of hard work and collaborations with a couple of my extremely talented friends, I’m so excited to officially launch my new YouTube channel! You can find me at where I will be sharing a new video every week – be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “subscribe” button in the top right hand corner so you’ll know when I post a new video. And while you’re at it, why not leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the videos?
If you pop over there now, you’ll find four new videos. The first three in my “simple kitchen tips” series, where I show you a really simple technique or tip that you can use in the kitchen today or the next time you’re cooking. I love coming up with these bite-sized ideas for quick content, so be sure to share them with your friends or family if you think they are tips they’d enjoy. Before you hop on over to my channel, I thought I would share my intro video here. This is a quick 1 minute video where you get to know a little more about me and my blog – it’ll be living on my about page (which is full of more information on me and this space if you’re interested). I have to admit that I always find it fun to see my favourite bloggers on video as I think it’s such a great way to get to know someone and their personality, so I hope you enjoy this little glimpse of mine and hearing more about Living Lou and where it started.
And a little teaser before you watch a video; there may or may not be an appearance of my adorable pup, Sophie at the end…you’ll just have to watch.
With my background in film and media production, video is an area that I’ve been wanting to expand into for years. I’ll be completely honest and say that even with this background, it’s still nerve-wracking to put out video content and I feel like I put even more pressure on myself to make it the best possible quality I could. There are still some kinks that I’m working out, but I’m really pleased with the results. It took me quite a while to figure out what kind of format I wanted and what direction I wanted to take my channel and videos in, but I love the content that I’ve been working on and I can’t wait to share more. Thankfully I know some very talented folks who have worked with me on this project right from the start. You’ll see the work of my talented cinematographer, Sabrina and my graphics wiz, Chris. These videos would not have been possible without them and if you’re in the Toronto area, they come highly recommended.
So, are you ready for more Living Lou video content? Let me know what kinds of videos you’d like to see in the comments below and be sure to head over to my new channel to watch the four new videos and check back every week for a new simple trick, technique or recipe.
Thanks for joining me on the next step of this journey! But don’t you worry, I’ll still be sharing simple, fresh and flavourful recipes on here every week.
Isabelle @ Crumb
Roxanne Daly